Application Procedure
Applications must be received by March 1 of the Sophomore or Junior year. Note that this deadline supersedes the later deadline listed on BU’s general BA/MA application website. Also note that the English Department has no fall admission process for the BA/MA. If the application does not meet the March 1 deadline, a Request for Waiver of Application Deadline must be completed and signed by the department chairperson and submitted with an application. Decisions are typically made by the end of March before students register for fall courses.
Application Requirements
Applicants must have completed at least six English courses, including at least three course at the 300 level or above, by the time of application. They must have received a GPA of 3.7 or above in these courses. Applicants must also have an overall GPA of 3.0 to be considered for the program. The applicant must include the BU transcript, two faculty recommendation letters, a writing sample (10 pages, usually drawn from previous coursework), a plan of study, and a personal statement describing the applicant’s interest in the program. A link to the BA/MA application portal can be found here.