Master's Lunch & Learn: Overcoming Procrastination & Perfectionism

  • Starts: 1:00 pm on Friday, September 29, 2023
  • Ends: 2:00 pm on Friday, September 29, 2023
Do you find it difficult to start on projects without the pressure of a looming deadline? Has fear of failure held you back and contributed to writer’s block? This workshop will help you understand your procrastination triggers and how to overcome them. You will come away from this workshop with strategies to help you get started on projects, make consistent progress toward completion, and find satisfaction at each stage of the process. To register, you will need to enter your BU email address. If you are a BU student, faculty or staff member and do not have a Handshake account, please contact to register for this event.
Yawkey Center, 100 Bay State Road (Room 545) or Zoom

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