Event Highlights: The Dynamics of Mobility Patterns in the European Union

This lecture by Ines Wagner, research professor at the ARENA Centre for European Studies at the University of Oslo, took place at Boston University on Thursday, November 16, 2023, during Prof. Kaija Schilde’s European Integration seminar. Prof. Wagner describes how European integration reshapes the daily lives of EU citizens by looking at changes in the world of work.

Wagner’s research is driven by a fascination for how European integration and globalization have reshaped everyday working life, and how institutions at the national, sectoral and workplace level react to these changes.

Kaija Schilde is Jean Monnet Chair in European Security and Defense (2022-24), Director of the Center for the Study of Europe at Boston University, and Associate Professor of International Relations in BU’s Pardee School of Global Studies.


euforyou · Labour and Capital on the Move: the Dynamics of Mobility Patterns in the European Union

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