Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa | Martin Palouš | Angelos Pangratis | Chris Patten | Jeffrey Peck | Quentin Peel | Friis Arne Petersen | William Pfaff | David Phillips | Robert Pinsky | Antony Polonsky | Kenneth Prewitt | Elizabeth Prodromou

Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa

Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa is a member, as of June 1998, of the Executive Board of the European Central Bank and a former Deputy Director General of the Bank of Italy. He was formerly Director General for Economic and Financial Affairs at the Commission of the European Communities and Central Director for Economic Research at the Bank of Italy. More recently he was Chairman of the Working Group on Payment Systems of the Central Banks of the European Community (European Monetary Institute), Chairman of the European Regional Committee of IOSCO and Chairman of the FESCO (Forum of the European Securities). He is author of Regulating Finance: Balancing Freedom and Risk as well as numerous essays and articles, including: “Money, Economic Policy and Europe,” “The Road to Monetary Union in Europe: the Emperor, the Kings and the Genies,” and most recently, “Europe: the Impossible Status Quo.” (2005)

September 24-25, 2005

Martin Palouš

Martin Palouš was appointed ambassador of the Czech Republic to the United States by Václav Havel in 2001. A dissident and founding member of the Civic Forum, he was elected to the Federal Assembly in 1990. From there he joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Czechoslovakia as an adviser and then as Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs from 1990 to 1992.

In October 1998, he became Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic. The author of numerous publications and a translator of the works of Hanah Arendt, Mr. Palouš has held a number of teaching positions at Charles University in Prague and has lectured extensively in the United States. (2005)

October 3, 2005

Angelos Pangratis

Angelos Pangratis is Deputy Head of Delegation of the European Commission in the United States. From 2003 to 2005 he was Ambassador and Head of Delegation for the European Commission’s Mission to Argentina, and from 1998 to 2003, he was Head of Unit responsible for relations with China, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, South Korea and Mongolia.

He has held several other positions during his distinguished career in the European Commission, and he has lectured at universities in the Czech Republic, France, and Korea. He holds a doctorate in International Economics, Monetary Politics and Finance from the University of Paris I, Sorbonne. (2006)

April 4, 2006

Chris Patten

Chris Patten, the chancellor of Oxford and Newcastle universities, was previously the member of Parliament for Bath, chairman of the Conservative Party, and the last British governor of Hong Kong, overseeing the return to China in 1997. From September 1999 until November 2004, he served as European Commissioner for External Relations.

On leaving office in Brussels he was made a life peer and took his seat in the House of Lords in January 2005. Lord Patten is the author of East and West: China, Power, and the Future of Asia, and, most recently, Cousins and Strangers: America, Britain and Europe in a New Century. (2006)

February 2, 2006

Jeffrey Peck

Jeffrey Peck is Professor at Georgetown University, Program for Communication, Culture and Technology, and Senior Fellow at the American Institute for Contemporary German Studies (AICGS). He has written extensively on national and minority identities in Germany, especially Jewish life and literature in contemporary Germany and contemporary responses to the Holocaust. He is author of the forthcoming Being Jewish in the New Germany, 2006. (2005)

October 17, 2005

Quentin Peel

Quentin Peel is international affairs editor of the Financial Times. He has a foreign affairs column, which appears every Tuesday. He has worked at the FT since 1975, where he has served successively as southern Africa correspondent, Africa editor, European Community correspondent and Brussels bureau chief, Moscow correspondent, and chief correspondent in Germany.

On his return to London in 1994, he became foreign editor, running the international reporting operations of the FT. He took up his present position in September 1998. (2005)

January 27, 2005

Friis Arne Petersen

Friis Arne Petersen has been Danish Ambassador to the United States since October, 2005. He began his diplomatic career in 1985 as Deputy Chief of Staff to the Foreign Minister. In 1990 he became Chief of Staff, and in 1994 he was appointed Assistant Secretary for Russia, Eastern Europe, the Balkans and OSCE. In 1995 he was promoted to Under Secretary, Ambassador, responsible for European affairs and economic assistance to Russia and Central and Eastern Europe with a special responsibility for Denmark’s policies on EU and NATO enlargement. In July 1997, he became Head of the Foreign Ministry, assuming the position of Permanent Secretary of State. Ambassador Petersen has paid a particular interest to the North Atlantic parts of the Danish Kingdom: Greenland and Faroe Islands. He conducted the negotiations with the United States concerning Denmark’s contribution to the US Missile Defense System – paving the way for the Igaliku agreement (August 2004) between Denmark, Greenland, and the United States on the use of the Thule Radar in Greenland. (2007)

October 30, 2007

William Pfaff

William Pfaff is an author and syndicated columnist. (2005)

November 14-15, 2005

David Phillips

David Phillips is senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations. He’s held several positions with international organizations, including senior adviser at the State Department. He’s also published editorials in publications such as the New York Times, International Herald Tribune and Wall Street Journal. Phillips serves on the boards of numerous organizations concerned with conflict resolution and humanitarian affairs. His new book, Losing Iraq, criticizes the policies that launched the war. (2004)

November 16, 2004

Robert Pinsky

Robert Pinsky teaches in the graduate writing program at Boston University. He is the author of several collections of poetry, most recently Gulf Music: Poems (Farrar, Straus & Giroux: 2007); Jersey Rain (2000); The Figured Wheel: New and Collected Poems 1966-1996 (1996), which received the 1997 Lenore Marshall Poetry Prize and was a Pulitzer Prize nominee; The Want Bone (1990); History of My Heart (1984); An Explanation of America (1980); and Sadness and Happiness (1975). He is also the author of several prose titles, including The Life of David (Schocken, 2006); Democracy, Culture, and the Voice of Poetry (2002); The Sounds of Poetry (1998), which was a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award; Poetry and the World (1988); and The Situation of Poetry (1977). In 1985 he also released a computerized novel, Mindwheel. Pinsky has published two acclaimed works of translation: The Inferno of Dante (1994), which was a Book-of- the-Month-Club Editor’s Choice, and received both the Los Angeles Times Book Prize and the Harold Morton Landon Translation Award; and The Separate Notebooks by Czeslaw Milosz (with Renata Gorczynski and Robert Hass). From 1997 to 2000, he served as the United States Poet Laureate and Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress. During that time, he founded the Favorite Poem Project, a program dedicated to celebrating, documenting and encouraging poetry’s role in Americans’ lives. (2004)

October 5, 2004

Antony Polonsky

Antony Polonsky is Professor of Holocaust Studies at Brandeis University and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. He is a leading authority on East-European Jewish history and specifically Polish-Jewish relations. Among his most recent books are Contemporary Jewish Writing in Poland: An Anthology (Nebraska University Press, 2001) and The Neighbours Respond: The Controversy over the Jedwabne Massacre in Poland (Princeton University Press, 2004). Professor Polonsky is founder of the Institute for Polish-Jewish Studies at Oxford, Vice-President of the American Association for Polish-Jewish Studies, former member of the International Council of the State Museum at Auschwitz, and editor-in-chief of Polin, a journal of Polish-Jewish studies. (2005)

May 3, 2005

Kenneth Prewitt

Kenneth Prewitt is the Carnegie Professor of Public Affairs at the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University. Previous positions include: Director of the United States Census Bureau, President of the Social Science Research Council, Senior Vice President of the Rockefeller Foundation, and Director of the National Opinion Research Center. He taught for fifteen years at the University of Chicago, and for shorter periods, at Stanford University (where he received his Ph.D.), Washington University (where he received his MA), the University of Nairobi, and Makerere University (Uganda). Among his awards are a Guggenheim Fellowship, honorary degrees from Carnegie Mellon and Southern Methodist University, a Distinguished Service Award from the New School for Social Research, and The Officer’s Cross of the Order of Merit from the Federal Republic of Germany, and various awards associated with his Directorship of the Census Bureau. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, the Academy of Political and Social Science, the Russell-Sage Foundation and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He has recently published Politics and Science in Census Taking and is completing an historical study of the consequences of the nation’s official racial classification from 1790 to the present. (2005)

September 24-25, 2005

Elizabeth Prodromou

Elizabeth Prodromou is Assistant Professor of International Relations and Associate Director of the Institute on Culture, Religion and World Affairs at Boston University. A regional expert on Southeastern Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean, Prodromou’s scholarship and policy work concentrate on religion and international relations, nationalism, conflict resolution, and non-traditional security threats. (2005)

November 7, 2005