Sir Stephen Wall | Derek Walcott | Stephen Walt | Rosanna Warren | Joseph Weiler | Lawrence Weschler | Carlos Westendorp | Margaret Wheatley | Jenny White | Kieron Winn | Stefan Winter | Tim Wise | Krzysztof Wodiczko | Alan Wolfe | Aaron Woolf

Sir Stephen Wall

Sir Stephen Wall was EU adviser to Tony Blair and United Kingdom Permanent Representative to the European Union. He is a member of the board of Britain in Europe and is serving as principal adviser to Cardinal Murphy-O’Connor, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Westminster. He joined the Diplomatic Service in 1968 and headed the Foreign Office EU Department for five years (1983-88). He was Private Secretary to Prime Minister John Major from 1991 to 1993 and Ambassador to Portugal from 1993 to 1995. (2005)

April 7, 2005

Derek Walcott

Derek Walcott was born in Saint Lucia, the West Indies, in 1930, and began writing poetry at the age of eighteen. He graduated from the University of the West Indies, and in 1957 was awarded a fellowship by the Rockefeller Foundation to study the American theater.

In 1959, he founded the Trinidad Theater Workshop, and his plays have been produced throughout the United States. He founded the Boston Playwrights’ Theatre shortly after he accepted a professorship at Boston University, which presents original works by local, national, and international playwrights. He has also organized an exchange program between his Boston Playwrights’ Theatre and the Trinidad Theatre Workshop.

His play Dream on Monkey Mountain won the Obie Award for distinguished foreign play of 1971. He also received the 1992 Nobel Prize in Literature, a MacArthur Foundation “genius” award, a Royal Society of Literature Award, and, in 1988, the Queen’s Medal for Poetry. He is an honorary member of the American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters.

Walcott’s poetry collections include The Prodigal (Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2004), Tiepolo’s Hound (Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2000), The Bounty (1997), Omeros (1990), The Arkansas Testament (1987), Collected Poems: 1948-1984 (1986), Midsummer (1986), The Fortunate Traveller (1981), The Star-Apple Kingdom (1979), Sea Grapes (1976), Another Life (1973), The Gulf (1970), The Castaway (1965), and In a Green Night (1962).

His first collection of essays, What the Twilight Says (Farrar, Straus & Giroux), was published in 1998. His plays include The Odyssey: A Stage Version (1992); The Isle is Full of Noises (1982); Remembrance and Pantomime (1980); The Joker of Seville and O Babylon! (1978); Dream on Monkey Mountain and Other Plays (1970); Three Plays: The Last Carnival; Beef, No Chicken; and A Branch of the Blue Nile (1969).

Derek Walcott teaches creative writing at Boston University every fall and lives the rest of the year in St. Lucia. (2007)

October 5, 2004

Stephen Walt

Belfer Professor of International Relations, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University. (2008)

November 16, 2004

November 2, 2008

Rosanna Warren

Rosanna Warren is Emma MacLachlan Metcalf Professor of the Humanities at Boston University. She is the author of Departure (2003); Stained Glass (1993), which was named the Lamont Poetry Selection by the Academy of American Poets; Each Leaf Shines Separate (1984); and Snow Day (1981). The recipient of many awards, in 1999 she was elected a Chancellor of the Academy of American Poets. She is a contributing editor of Seneca Review and the poetry editor of Daedalus and was recently elected to the American Academy of Arts and Letters. (2006)

April 6, 2005

October 12, 2006

October 30, 2009

Joseph Weiler

Joseph Weiler is Joseph Strauss Professor of Law at New York University. (2005)

March 29, 2005

Lawrence Weschler

Lawrence Weschler was for over 20 years (1981-2002) a staff writer at The New Yorker. He is a two-time winner of the George Polk Award and was also a recipient of the Lannan Literary Award. His dozen books include The Passion of Poland (1984), A Miracle, a Universe: Settling Accounts with Torturers (1990), Calamities of Exile: Three Nonfiction Novellas (1998), and, recently, Vermeer in Bosnia: A Reader (2004). Since 2001, Weschler has been director of the New York Institute for the Humanities at NYU. He has taught at Princeton, Columbia, USCS, Bard, Vassar, NYU, and Sarah Lawrence. (2007)

September 12, 2007

May 1, 2008

Carlos Westendorp

Carlos Westendorp assumed the position of ambassador of Spain to the United States on September 15, 2004. Ambassador Westendorp, who joined the Spanish Diplomatic Service in 1966, previously served as a member of the Autonomous Community of the Madrid Parliamentary Assembly (2003-04), a member of the European Parliament (1999-2003), and high representative for the implementation of the peace agreement in Bosnia and Herzegovina (1997-99). In addition, he has served as his country’s permanent representative to the United Nations (1996-97), minister of foreign affairs (1995-96), as well as various posts for the European communities, including state secretary (1991-95), permanent representative (1985-91), president executive of the Board for the Relations with the European communities (1983-85) and secretary-general (1985). Ambassador Westendorp has also served as head of the Commercial Office of the Spanish Embassy at the Hague (1975-79), head of the Technical Cabinet of the Ministry of Industry (1974-75), director of economic studies at the Diplomatic School in Madrid (1969-70), and consul at the Spanish Consulate General in São Paulo (1966-69). (2007)

November 13, 2007

Margaret Wheatley

Margaret Wheatley is an internationally acclaimed speaker and writer and President emerita of The Berkana Institute. She has been an organizational consultant and researcher since 1973 and a dedicated global citizen since her youth. She co-founded The Berkana Institute in 1992, a charitable global foundation that works in partnership with a rich diversity of people around the world who strengthen their communities by working with the wisdom and wealth already present in their people, traditions and environment. (www.berkana.org). She has served in a formal advisory capacity for leadership programs in England, Croatia, Denmark. Australia and the United States, and through her work in Berkana, with leadership initiatives in India, Senegal, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Mexico, and Brazil as well as Europe.

Meg’s path-breaking book, Leadership and the New Science was first published in 1992, and has been translated into more than 20 languages. This book is credited with establishing a fundamentally new approach to how we think about organizations. Her newest book is Finding Our Way: Leadership for an Uncertain Time (2005). Meg draws her ideas from many places, beginning with the discoveries in new science that profoundly shift our worldview. To her science background, she now adds the perspectives and wisdom from many different disciplines, cultures and spiritual traditions that she has learned from. In 2003, The American Society for Training and Development honored her for “distinguished contribution to workplace learning and development” and dubbed her “a living legend.” (2008)

November 18, 2008

Jenny White

Jenny White is Associate Professor of Anthropology at Boston University. She is the author of Islamist Mobilization In Turkey: A Study In Vernacular Politics (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2002), which won the 2003 Douglass Prize for best book in Europeanist anthropology; and Money Makes Us Relatives: Women’s Labor In Urban Turkey (2nd edition, London: Routledge, 2004), as well as numerous articles about Islamic politics, women and Islam, family life, women’s labor, small commodity production, and Turks in Germany. She is presently at work on a book about changing conceptions of Islam in Turkey. (2005)

April 5, 2005

November 10, 2005

Kieron Winn

Kieron Winn was educated at Tonbridge School, where he later briefly taught, and at Christ Church, Oxford, where he was awarded a doctorate for a thesis on Herbert Read and T. S. Eliot. His poems have appeared in magazines including Agenda, The Dark Horse, The London Magazine, Oxford Magazine, Oxford Poetry, Poetry Review, The Rialto and The Spectator, and in a short film about his work on BBC1. A selection of his poems appears in the Carcanet anthology Oxford Poets 2007. He was awarded the University of Oxford’s English Poem on a Sacred Subject Prize in 2007. He lives in Oxford, where he is a freelance teacher. (2009)

October 5, 2009

Stefan Winter

Dr. Stefan Winter has been Secretary of State for Labour, Health and Social Affairs in the government of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany’s largest state, since 2005, and serves on the faculty of the Hannover Medical School and Harvard Medical International. He is former vice president of the European Committee for Biomedical Ethics and author of 161 publications including 30 original scientific papers, 25 general publications and 11 published health policy projects. (2007)

March 6, 2007

Timothy A. Wise

Timothy A. Wise is Director of the Research and Policy Program at the Global Development and Environment Institute, Tufts University . He is the former executive director of Grassroots International, a Boston-based international aid organization, and co-author of Confronting Globalization: Economic Integration and Popular Resistance in Mexico and A Survey of Sustainable Development: Social and Economic Dimensions. He has written extensively on agriculture, trade, and the environment. (2009)

May 9, 2009

Krzysztof Wodiczko

Born 1943 in Warsaw, Poland. Lives and works in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and New York City. Since 1980, he has created more than 80 large-scale slide and video projections of politically-charged images on architectural façades and monuments worldwide.

Wodiczko heads the Interrogative Design Group and is Director of the Center for Art, Culture, and Technology, formerly known as the Center for Advanced Visual Studies, at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His work has appeared in many international exhibitions, including the São Paulo Bienale (1965, 1967, 1985); Documenta (1977, 1987); the Venice Biennale (1986, 2000); and the Whitney Biennial (2000). He has had retrospective exhibitions at the Walker Art Center, Minneapolis; Fundacio Tapies, Barcelona; and the Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford. Wodiczko received the 1999 Hiroshima Art Prize for his contribution as an artist to world peace, and the 2004 College Art Association Award for Distinguished Body of Work. (2009)

December 3, 2009

Alan Wolfe

Alan Wolfe is Professor of political science and Director of the Boisi Center for Religion and American Public Life at Boston College. (2003)

February 25, 2003

April 28, 2008

Aaron Woolf

Aaron Woolf is the director and producer of the critically acclaimed film, King Corn. He received a master’s in film at the University of Iowa, but got the bulk of his education working in the field in Lima, Mexico City, Los Angeles and New York. In 2000, Woolf directed Greener Grass: Cuba, Baseball, and the United States, a WNET-ITVS co-production that received a Rockie Award and aired nationally on PBS. In 2003, he directed Dying to Leave: The Global Face of Human Trafficking and Smuggling, which won an Australian Logie Award and a Rockie nomination, aired on the PBS series Wide Angle, and was presented at the State Department and the United Nations. Woolf’s films have also been broadcast on the Sundance Channel, ARTE, RAI and SBS, and he has presented work at numerous institutions including Stanford University, UCLA and the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard. He is the founder of Mosaic Films Incorporated and an avid mountaineer. (2009)

May 8, 2009