Visiting Researcher Program

Scholars and researchers from around the world are invited to conduct research under the guidance of or in collaboration with European Studies faculty. Most visiting researchers are junior or senior members of faculties in countries outside the United States; some are involved in government service or doctoral or postdoctoral studies. Visiting Researchers benefit from an accommodating place to pursue their work and from an ability to exchange ideas with our faculty, other researchers, and the significant number of graduate and undergraduate students from around the world who are enrolled full and part time in courses at BU.

Visiting Researchers enjoy full access to Boston University libraries to pursue their research agendas. Space permitting, researchers are invited to observe classes and attend faculty workshops and other academic events. At this time, we are not able to provide any discrete facilities, such as office or study carrel space, or to assist with housing. Prospective visitors should realize that, unless their visits coincide with the academic year, securing reasonably affordable short-term housing in the Boston area may be difficult.

Visits range from a few weeks to a full year and may start at any time.