Visiting Professorships for Leaders in Primary Care Research

As part of their development as academic faculty, we expose fellows to national leaders in primary care research through a “Leaders in Primary Care Research” visitation program. Each academic year, two visiting faculty are selected from acknowledged FM and GIM research faculty nationally and internationally, including research oriented leadership of SGIM, STFM, NAPCRG, and AHSR. The Visiting Professors conduct a series of activities during their visits. These include-

1. a seminar in which they discuss critical events in the development of their careers as primary care investigators

  • a methods-oriented presentation of their current research


  • presentations by FM-GIM fellows of their research with commentary by the visiting professor


  • mentoring of each FM-GIM fellow by the visiting professor regarding the fellows’ research, research interests and career plans

To facilitate the mentoring, we provide visiting faculty with brief biographical sketches of the fellows. Through this program, we expose fellows to national role models of successful career investigators, and feedback regarding their research and career plans from senior investigators outside our Program. In addition, we expose fellows to import themes and methods in primary care research.