Student Organizations & Programs

Family Medicine Student Organizations & Programs


AMP Action and Mentorship Project

“As a Community, In the Community, For the Community”

AMP is a 4-year track for students interested in community engagement and primary care sponsored by the Department of Family Medicine.  AMP provides early clinical experience, mentorship and support to medical students interested in community health and primary care. The AMP community has a shared mission centering on the value of primary care in the healthcare system, the importance of engaging in community outreach and action, and the vital need to support each other’s personal and professional growth during medical training.


Action in the Community

AMP students organize, lead and participate in community outreach, advocacy and action.  There are leadership opportunities for AMP students during the summer between first and second year to make or strengthen community partnerships, plan AMP activities for the upcoming year, and develop new ideas for community involvement.  During fourth year, AMP students can participate in an elective to complete a community project, community research or a quality improvement project related to primary care.



AMP students will have primary care mentorship from Family Medicine faculty and residents throughout their 4 years.   AMP students are placed with a Family Medicine faculty member in the Integrated Problems and Introduction to Clinical Medicine courses.  Additionally, AMP students will engage in community outreach and social activities with Family Medicine residents and faculty and will have shadowing opportunities with community health center doctors during their first two years.



Primary Care

AMP is committed to mentoring and supporting students who are interested in primary care.  Students will have opportunities to train in primary care in the local community health centers.  There are monthly meetings covering topics relevant to primary care including social determinants of health, primary care transformation, the value of primary care to the healthcare system.


Please contact Dr. Elizabeth Ferrenz or Dr. Lauren Scott for more information or to sign up for AMP by email or


AMP Track

  • Monthly meetings to organize and execute outreach events, learn about topics vital to primary care, and support AMP community members growth and development
  • Community outreach, advocacy and action with Family Medicine residents and faculty
  • Mentorship by Family Medicine faculty and residents
  • Social events with Family Medicine residents and faculty
  • Shadowing opportunities in community health centers
  • Preference in applying for the AMP Summer Leadership Academy
  • Attendance at regional and national Family Medicine conferences


AMP Curricular Elements

Year 1 & Year 2: Placement with a Family Medicine faculty member and other AMP students in the Integrated Problems (problem-based learning) and Introduction to Clinical Medicine (doctoring; physical diagnosis and interviewing) Courses


Year 3: Preferred placement in health centers with Family Medicine faculty for the required 3rd year clerkship in Family Medicine.


Year 4: Priority placement in the Family Medicine sub-internship, and Maternal-Child Health, Sports Medicine, 360 Clinical electives


All 4 years: Priority enrollment in The Healer’s Art elective




The AMP Summer Leadership Academy (SLA) is a four-week program embedding students within a local community via its community health center. The aims of this program are to allow the students develop leadership skills, connect to community organizations and health centers, and have clinical exposure working with health center providers.



FMIG – Family Medicine Interest Group

FMIG Network Vision

Build a robust workforce of compassionate, committed, and highly qualified family physicians who care for and improve the health of all.

FMIG Network Mission

Develop the family medicine workforce and advance the specialty of family medicine by strengthening current and aspiring medical students through the FMIG Network across the country, therefore empowering U.S. medical students to be prepared for and choose to pursue a career in family medicine.

FMIG Network Strategic Objectives

  1. Raise the awareness, understanding, and confidence of medical students to choose family medicine.
  2. Develop leadership skills and competencies that will enable and encourage future family physicians to excel in a primary care career and influence the health care system.
  3. Encourage the success and effectiveness of local FMIGs, and increase their ability to collaborate with other FMIGs in their regions.
  4. Improve the diversity of the family medicine workforce.
  5. Create a shared vision for the future of family medicine and primary care in the United States.

FMIG network


We offer a variety of events: seminars and conferences, dinners, workshops, and more – throughout the year that may interest students considering areas of medicine. We support student involvement in Family Medicine department research and presentations at regional and national conferences.  Your participation builds a community of students engaging with Family Medicine who support each other and engage with residents and faculty.


FMIG Events include

Year 1 & 2

  • What is Family Medicine panel?
  • Fellowship opportunities – Obstetrics, Sports Medicine, Research, etc
  • Hospital Ward Introduction – resident-led tour and introduction to clinical rounding
  • Squirmy Kids Workshop – practice exam skills with our squirmy kids age 0-6
  • Doctor’s Kit Introduction – early learning about how to use your diagnostic equipment
  • Primary Care Speed-Dating – co-hosted with pediatrics & internal medicine
  • Match Panel – graduating students who’ve matched in Family Medicine share their tips











Clinical shadowing opportunities exist in multiple areas of Family Medicine clinical practice – both outpatient and inpatient.  These may include continuity clinic, sports medicine, inpatient care of adults, palliative care. Please contact for more information.

Year 3

  • Reflecting
  • on clerkship experiences and specialty choice
  • Socializing with Family Medicine Residents
  • Preparing a 4th year schedule for Family Medicine residency application

Year 4

Field Specific Advisor – individual mentor who assists throughout the residency application process

Optional Monthly Meetings (August-March) for students applying in Family Medicine

  • Community building with classmates applying in Family Medicine
  • Preparing a personal statement and ERAS materials
  • What matters to me? Generating a program list and questions for interviews
  • Interviewing readiness – mock interviews, input from residents on the process
  • What I wish I’d known – resident panel
  • Choosing a program – rank list preparation
  • Match Celebration

Regional and National Conferences

Society of Teachers of Family Medicine

  • STFM Conference on Medical Student Education
  • STFM Annual Spring Conference

American Academy of Family Physicians

  • AAFP National Conference – Family Medicine Residents and Medical Students, Kansas City, MO

If you are a BUSM student and are interested in joining the BUSM Family Medicine Interest Group please contact one of your FMIG student Co-Leaders at or you may contact the Family Medicine Student Coordinator Chenille Hogan ( FMIG is open to all BUSM students interested in learning about the specialty of Family Medicine.

There are no dues.