Programs and Research

The Boston University Department of Family Medicine Department includes faculty who are pursuing research that will make a difference in the way primary care is practiced in the future, especially as it responds to the needs of underserved and minority populations. Among the funded research projects faculty currently lead are ones investigating:

  • A new model that improves patient safety at hospital discharge and post-discharge activities;
  • Ways to improve team-work involving families, primary care physicians and specialists caring for children with asthma;
  • Use of complementary and alternative medicine techniques such as yoga and Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction to improve outcomes in patients with chronic medical conditions;
  • Strategies to improve the primary care of patients with disabilities;
  • Improvement of prenatal care and care coordination of high risk prenatal and postpartum patients;
  • Long-term natural history of patients with anxiety disorders presenting in primary care.

Our investigators use multiple and innovative methods to address important questions in primary care and health care delivery, and our department provides a collegial and supportive environment for research. In addition to our ongoing research, the department is committed to mentoring new researchers. We offer a National Research Service Award Research Fellowship. This fellowship is two-years in duration and leads to a Masters in Masters in Epidemiology, Masters in Health Services, or Masters in Public Health through course work at the BU School of Public Health. Selected fellows have the option of pursuing a third year including the option for doctoral level training. During the fellowship fellows are mentored by department faculty to complete a research project, develop grant-writing skills, and regarding the development of their academic careers. Fellows have consistently attained academic positions following the fellowship. The fellowship is a joint endeavor of the Department and the Section of General Internal Medicine, and draws on a broad research intensives faculty from the Schools of Medicine and Public Health.