Tag: Publications

Congratulations to Jeff Markuns, MD, MEd for getting his article “Development and validation of the Vietnamese primary care assessment tool”published!

“Congratulations to Jeff Markuns MD MEd for publication of the important article “Development and validation of the Vietnamese primary care assessment tool” in which he and his colleagues adapted the PCAT Primary Care Assessment Tool for Vietnam.   This work will allow formal assessment of the rapidly growing family medicine sector within Vietnam that Jeff and […]


July We Must Be Sure to Keep Primary Care Path Well Tended (letter published in The Globe)- Dr. Jeffrey Samet and Dr. Brian Jack June A Public-Private Partnership Improves Clinical Performance In A Hospital Network In Lesotho -Nathalie McIntosh, Aria Grabowski, Brian Jack, Elizabeth Limakatso Nkabane-Nkholongo, and Taryn Vian The Call To A New Kind Of Care: Integrative Medicine […]

Dr. Robert Saper featured in Science Daily: Mind-Body Course Has Positive Impact On Well-Being of Medical Students

A Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM) study shows a mind-body class elective for medical students helps increase their self-compassion and ability to manage thoughts and tasks more effectively. The study, published inMedical Education Online, also discusses how this innovative course may help medical students better manage stress and feel more empowered to use mind-body […]

Press Release: Virtual patient advocate delivers preconception care to improve pregnancy outcomes

Results of a pilot study suggest that a virtual patient advocate (VPA) could help influence positive changes and help women have healthier pregnancies. Developed at Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM), Boston Medical Center (BMC) and Northeastern University, “Gabby” is an innovative tool developed to deliver preconception care (PCC) to African-American women through interactive conversations […]

Press Release: Patient centered medical home helps assess social health determinants and promote health

Physicians from the Departments of Pediatrics and Family Medicine at Boston Medical Center (BMC) and Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM) are proposing that current pediatric guidelines and practices could be implemented within a Patient Centered Medical Home model to address social determinants of health. The article, published in the Journal of the American Medical […]