Sparking Economic Growth

h_butoday_995px_16-9669-DAMIANO-022ADVOCACY RESOURCE
Sparking Economic Growth

Three start-ups with ties to BU are featured in a new report from The Science Coalition highlighting 102 companies that grew out of federally-funded research grants. See the report

black_women_cancerRESEARCH HIGHLIGHT
Why Do So Many Black Women Die of Breast Cancer?

The BU Slone Epidemiology Center has led the nation’s longest running study of black women’s health for more than 20 years, with support from the National Cancer Institute. Learn more

ICW-Ali-Noorani-400x241NOTABLE ALUMNI
There’s A Different Story to Be Told on Immigration

As executive director of the National Immigration Forum, BU alumnus Ali Noorani wants to engage people from religious organizations, law enforcement, and small businesses in the national immigration debate. Read the interview


Energy policy professionals turned out for a Washington reception hosted by the BU Institute for Sustainable Energy on April 25… Anthony Janetos of the BU Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future became chair of National Academy of Sciences Committee to Advise the U.S. Global Change Research Program Research by Matthew Pase of the BU School of Medicine on sugary drinks’ impact on aging is highlighted in The New York Times... Shea Cronin of BU Metropolitan College weighs in on how Boston police interact with racial minorities in The Associated Press.