BU School of Social Work Co-hosted a Congressional Briefing

You’re invited to attend:

Integrating Social Determinants of Health into Future Health Care Policy

Hosted by Rep. Karen Bass and the Congressional Social Work Caucus

Thursday, September 26, 2019
2:00pm – 3:30pm
B208 Longworth House Office Building

Evidence has shown that health outcomes are greatly affected by housing, transportation, nutrition, education, and other socioeconomic factors. Our nation’s health policies need to do more to address the social needs of individuals and communities. Failure to address these social determinants of health leads to disparities in health outcomes for vulnerable populations. But how can we leverage federal health programs and social needs care to ensure a healthier future for all? Our panel of experts will explore the history and context of the issue, examine what is currently happening at the federal level, and provide new ideas for future policy solutions.


  • RADM Sylvia Trent-Adams, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (Invited)
  • Robyn Golden, Co-Director, Center for Health and Social Care Integration, and Associate Vice President, Population Health and Aging, Rush University Medical Center
  • Laudan Aron, Senior Fellow, Center on Labor, Human Services, and Population, The Urban Institute

Please RSVP by visiting this link.


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This is a public and widely-attended event.