The Truth Still Matters, National Academy of Sciences President Tells 2019 Grads
Marcia McNutt (Hon.’19): “Your University education arms you with the skills to determine who and what to trust” At a time when there is urgent need for action on climate change, the United States is the only nation on Earth to abandon the Paris Agreement, McNutt told the crowd, which prompted whoops and hollers. With […]
Leonid Levin Chosen to Join Ranks of National Academy of Sciences
BU computer scientist among 100 new US members elected Leonid Levin, a College of Arts & Sciences professor of computer science, is one of the 100 2019 US researchers elected to the National Academy of Sciences. Photo by Cydney Scott. Leonid Levin, a BU College of Arts & Sciences professor of computer science, is an […]
CAS Prof Wins Nearly $1M to Study Interaction of Natural and Human Emissions
Jeffrey Geddes gets two federal research awards to examine impact on air quality Jeffrey Geddes uses remote sensing observations, computer modeling, and targeted field observations to study atmospheric chemistry and air quality. Photo (left) by Jackie Ricciardi. BU’s Jeffrey Geddes has won two early career federal research awards totaling nearly $1 million to advance his work […]