Two Eyes Needed to Research Outer Space Static

CAS scientists view ionosphere from both hemispheres BU Imaging Science Laboratory researchers (from left) Carlos Martinis, Michael Mendillo, Joei Wroten, and Jeffrey Baumgardner. Photos by Jackie Ricciardi. Who says you can’t be two places at the same time? At an MIT observatory west of Boston, a BU-built, three-foot-long, tubular camera stares with feline patience at […]

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Mission to Mars

BU physicist John Clarke looks to the red planet for clues about Earth’s future John T. Clarke, director of BU’s Center for Space Physics, was part of the team that proposed MAVEN and is now a scientific co-investigator on the mission. Photo by Rob Timko. At this moment, a NASA satellite called MAVEN is circling Mars, and it’s covered […]

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