President Robert A. Brown Extends Contract

Accepts trustees’ unanimous request to sign on until 2025 BU President Robert A. Brown has agreed to extend his contract. Photo (left) by Scott Nobles. President Robert A. Brown, whose 13 years of leadership have transformed the campus and elevated the profile, ranking, and endowment of Boston University, has agreed with the Board of Trustees […]

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BU Trustees Approve Aggressive Climate Action Plan

Effort prepares University for global temperature rise The BU Climate Action Plan adopted by the BU Board of Trustees recommends new building efficiencies, changes to renewable energy sources, and ways to make climate change a bigger part of the University’s curriculum and research. Illustration by Rubén D. Cerón Guevara (MET’19) and BU Metropolitan College Professor […]

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A Storyteller Advises BU Grads to Write Their Own Life Story

Entertainment executive and alum Bonnie Hammer (Hon.’17) addresses 144th Commencement 2017 Commencement speaker Bonnie Hammer (CGS’69, COM’71, SED’75, Hon.’17) told BU graduates to listen to views other than their own. Watch the entire speech of the NBCUniversal Cable Entertainment Group chair in this video here. Video by BU Productions. Photo by Chris McIntosh. Pairing the […]

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New Trustee and New Overseer Join BU Boards

An award-winning journalist and a public policy expert elected Kevin Merida (COM’79) (left) has been elected to the Board of Trustees and James Stergios (CAS’85, UNI’03) to the Board of Overseers. Merida photo courtesy of ESPN; Stergios photo courtesy of Pioneer Institute. An award-winning journalist has joined Boston University’s Board of Trustees and the leader […]

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Trustees Adopt Broad Climate Change Strategy

 Cutting energy demand and avoiding investment in coal, tar sands included The Board of Trustees Advisory Committee on Socially Responsible Investing has held several forums on fossil fuel divestment, including this one last December with CAS Professor Anthony Janetos. Photo by Cydney Scott. Expanding BU’s efforts to curb climate change, the Board of Trustees last […]

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Board of Trustees Elects New Chair

Kenneth Feld, benefactor and vice chair, will take office in September Kenneth Feld (Questrom’70), elected the next chair of the Board of Trustees in December, proposed the establishment of a scholarship to honor Lu Lingzi (GRS’13), who died in the 2013 Boston Marathon bombings. Photo by Kalman Zabarsky. Kenneth J. Feld, vice chair of the […]

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