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Undergraduate Students: Boston University Financial Assistance is happy to help you and your family with questions about how to apply for financial aid, eligibility criteria, and financing options.

For support anytime, try BUzz, our artificial intelligence chatbot. BUzz can answer a lot of your financial aid questions. Read this simple guide to learn how to get the most out of BUzz.

Have questions about your financial aid or application status?

We’re here to help! Chat with a financial aid counselor on Tuesday & Thursday from 10AM – 1PM (EST) via BUzz LiveChat. To speak with a counselor, simply tell BUzz that you want to “Speak with a Representative” in the bottom right corner of our website during LiveChat hours.

Important note:

  • BU Financial Assistance routinely sends important communications to students at their Boston University email accounts. It is expected that students will check their email frequently and share important financial aid information with their parents.
  • Include your full name and Boston University student ID number in all communication.
  • Upon enrollment, only with your consent can specific information about your records be disclosed to another party, including your parents. Via the MyBU Student Portal you can consent to the release of certain information to a parent. You can also establish Share Link access for a parent to view certain academic and financial information. For more information, go to Click on “Privacy Preferences”.

Graduate Students: The Boston University graduate school or college where you enroll has financial aid information specific to your program of study on their website. Information about credit-based loans for graduate students is available here.

Military-Affiliated Students: Our financial aid advisors are trained to help military service members apply for benefits and financial aid. For personalized information and counseling on veterans benefits, military-affiliated students are encouraged to contact our Veterans Services Coordinator.

International Students: At Boston University international students are considered for a limited range of financial aid and scholarship opportunities.

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