Reaching for your fitness goals with passion

Reaching for your fitness goals with passion

Written by: Assistant Manager of Fitness, Lindsey Wallis


Looking for a little motivation now that the semester has officially started? Here are a few words from a BU FitRec trainer that might get you going…

Have you ever set a fitness goal for yourself only to realize after a few weeks or months that you haven’t taken any steps towards your goal in days or maybe even weeks? Whether it is weight loss, running a race, or doing 10 pull ups in a row, we’ve all skipped our workout for one day and then a week and then convinced ourselves that Netflix and a jar of Nutella just sounds like a better plan.

The first step to successfully completing a fitness goal is setting your mind on something that is truly important to you.  Set your sights on something that the end result or the “finish line” of your goal makes you excited and talking about it makes others get excited for you and want to support you and maybe even join you!  That’s the kind if goal that you should be aiming for because you aren’t as likely to lose motivation or quit.

These are some most rewarding goals I’ve had the pleasure of helping individuals reach:

  • A 68 year old professor after hip replacement surgery, “improving my balance to be able to retire with my girlfriend to Paris and walk the cobblestone streets with confidence and without the fear of falling.”
  • A 52 year old who had been a diabetic for 15 years, “eliminate my need for diabetes medication by controlling my blood sugar through eating better and exercising regularly”
  • A 21 year old college student, “complete my first 5K to benefit cancer research with my aunt who is 2 years cancer free the week of our race”

Each of these wonderful individuals ultimately reached their goal and then some.  If you set your intention on a goal that you are truly committed to and passionate about, the results you are looking for will follow.  If you decide to change your diet and exercise habits with the aim of no longer needing to be on medication for hypertension, or diabetes, to reduce your risk of adverse chronic disease outcomes, this impacts your life and health in so many more ways than a number on the scale ever could.  An individual has to be willing to make sacrifices for their fitness goals because nothing worth having is ever easily achieved.

What are you passionate about?  Success comes down to how much you want it and how far you’re willing to push yourself to get it.  Being passionate about your goal is a must.  Make no mistake that passion isn’t about loving every second of your fitness journey.  It is doing what you’re passionate about even on days that you don’t feel like it.

If you need a qualified fitness professional to help you make the most effective plan for reaching your goal you can look here to schedule an appointment for a program design.