Hip Hop Mini-Fest: September 27, 2024

Boston University Dance Program and the College of Fine Arts School of Theatre are pleased to present a Hip Hop Mini-Fest on September 27, 10am – 1pm at College of Fine Arts Studios. This event is free and open to the BU community.

In honor of the inauguration of Boston University’s 11th President, Dr. Melissa Gilliam, we are inviting BU students and community to participate in three workshops that celebrate the history and the culture of hip hop movement. Dr. Gilliam has announced that one of her goals is to increase BU’s commitment to the arts.

Click here for details.


Workshop #1 (10 – 11am): Roots of Hip Hop Movement with McKersin (seminar/foundational movement). This workshop dives into the heart of Hip-Hop, starting from its roots in West-African movement. We’ll explore the concepts of the “Bounce” and where it all began, along with “rocking,” and the moves my ancestors made that connect to the style today. We will learn of the connection between our past and today in terms of movement.

Workshop #2 (11am – 12pm): Stepping with Izaiah Lawton (history/choreography)

Workshop #3 (12 – 1pm): Breaking with Alan Kuang, CFA ’24, assisted by Jadyn Harris (technique/freestyle)

All are welcome to participate and/or observe.

Location: College of Fine Arts, 855 Commonwealth Ave, level 1 studios