Management Consultation

The Faculty Staff Assistance Office provides support to managers through consultation, employee referrals, workgroup interventions, and manager coaching and education. FSAO counselors specialize in addressing behavioral concerns in the workplace, offering guidance to managers on how best to approach sensitive matters with employees.  Areas for consultation include:

  • Employees experiencing personal, performance or behavioral issues
  • Questions about possible impairment or substance use
  • Concern for violence or workplace behavioral risk
  • Workplace stress and resiliency
  • Change management
  • Critical Incidents and disruptive events
  • Promoting FSAO services and well-being

Referring Employees to the FSAO

As a manager, you want to support your employees and motivate them to perform at their best.  When employees disclose personal or family problems, you can demonstrate your care and concern by reminding them of the confidential services provided by the FSAO.  It’s often more challenging when the personal problems are impacting the employee’s attendance or performance.  In such cases, the FSAO can provide you with confidential guidance on how to sensitively address this with the employee.  Consider consulting with the FSAO when you notice problems such as:

  • Absenteeism or frequent tardiness
  • Declining or inconsistent work performance
  • Increased errors, accidents, missed deadlines
  • Difficulties with concentration, confusion
  • Changes in attitude, mood, or personality
  • Unusual behavior or appearance

The FSAO can help you determine whether a referral to their services is appropriate, and if so, how to communicate this to the employee.  Managers need to be careful to avoid statements which suggest they perceive the individual as having a disability.  Employees’ involvement with the FSAO is voluntary, as is their decision to grant permission for the FSAO to inform their supervisor of the contact.  In cases where an employee does grant permission, the FSAO will not disclose the specific nature of the employee’s problem, only that they are working with the FSAO toward a resolution.

Complete a Contact Form, email us or call 617-353-5381 to schedule a consultation.