Erik Goldstein

Professor of International Relations and History, Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies


Erik Goldstein is an Affiliate Faculty Member of the Boston University Global Development Policy Center and a Professor of International Relations and History with the Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies at Boston University. His research interests include diplomacy, formulation of national diplomatic strategies, the origins and resolution of armed conflict and negotiation. He has published in numerous journals, including Review of International RelationsMiddle Eastern StudiesEast European QuarterlyHistorical ResearchHistorical JournalByzantine & Modern Greek Studies, and the Hague Journal of Diplomacy. He is the author of Winning the Peace: British Diplomatic Strategy, Peace Planning and the Paris Peace Conference, 1916-1920 (1991); Wars and Peace Treaties (1992); and The First World War’s Peace Settlements: International Relations, 1918 – 1925 (2002, Italian translation, 2004). He has co-edited The End of the Cold War (1990); The Washington Conference, 1921-1922: Naval Rivalry, East Asian Stability, and the Road to Pearl Harbor (1994); The Munich Crisis: New Interpretations and the Road to World War II (1999); Power and Stability: British Foreign Policy, 1865-1965 (2003); and the Guide to International Relations and Diplomacy (2002). Professor Goldstein was also the founder-editor of the journal Diplomacy & Statecraft and has served on the editorial boards of Byzantine and Modern Greek StudiesHague Journal of Diplomacy and is currently on the editorial board of International History Review. He has a continuing interest in the training and professional education of diplomats, which began with his participation in delivering the British Know How Fund programs for diplomats from countries in transition during the 1990s.

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