Mehmet Hecan


Ph.D. Boston University, Department of Political Science, 2016-Present
Department of Political Science, Boston University, 232 Bay State Road, Boston, MA 02215 USA
 (617) 794­-7994

Mehmet Hecan received his BA in Political Science and International Relations from Bogazici University in Istanbul in 2013. He was also an exchange student at the Department of Political Science in George Washington University during fall semester 2011. Before joining the program at Boston University, he pursued a master of science degree in International Relations at Middle East Technical University in Ankara. Engaged in research at an Ankara-based research institution called USAK starting in 2013, Hecan also worked as a research assistant for more than three years at the institution’s Center for Middle Eastern and North African Studies. He is a student of international political economy (IPE), mostly specializing in international development, international financial institutions (IFIs), development finance and global governance. His interests of research also include state-building and democratization as well as certain political economy issues in the Middle East and North Africa. Mehmet joined the PhD program in the fall of 2016.

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