Comprehensive list of Latin American internship opportunities for students

in Practicums/Internships
January 28th, 2014


(Compiled in December 2013)

This list was compiled by Oya Yegen Mertens, a Ph.D. candidate in Political Science, who is writing her dissertation on post-authoritarian regime constitutional reform processes in Chile and Turkey. It is derived from a number of sources, including: CLACS, Watson Institute, Brown University; Latin American Studies, CSUEB; SAIS, John Hopkins University; and CLACS, Duke University.

Cultural Survival works closely with indigenous groups to defend indigenous rights and promote sustainable development. It coordinates campaigns such as the Guatemala Radio Project and the National Language Revitalization Program. They are located in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Grassroots International supports indigenous and women’s groups with grant making, education, and advocacy. The Boston-based organization partners with communities in Brazil, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, and Nicaragua.

Acción  partners with microfinance organizations to promote economic development and provide financial services such as housing loans to microentrepreneurs and their families. Internships are based in Boston, Washington DC, and overseas regional offices.

The Center for International Policy (CIP) in Washington DC is a policy organization with a focus on human rights, demilitarization, and conflict resolution in areas such as Central America, Colombia, and Cuba.

The Council on Hemispheric Affairs (COHA) in Washington DC offers internships for students who are interested in US-Latin American political, economic, and diplomatic relations.


The Latin America Working Group (LAWG) in Washington DC seeks interns who are interested in advocacy work, US foreign policy in Latin America, and the political, economic, and social issues facing the region


The Organization of American States (OAS) in Washington DC wants to target high-potential students and young professionals.


Inter-American Development Bank (IADB)

For the Summer Internship program applications are typically accepted between January and March for a 2-month internship that usually takes place from mid-June to August.
For the Winter Internship program, applications are typically accepted between October and November for a 2-month internship that usually takes place in January and February.


Refugees International is a DC-based advocacy organization that promotes human rights and the resolution of refugee crises, including those in Colombia and the Dominican Republic.

Witness for Peace coordinates grassroots activists who are dedicated to economic justice and human rights, organizing campaigns to change US foreign policy in Latin America and the Caribbean. Internships are in Washington DC.

Asociación Tepeyac is a community-based organization that defends the rights of Latin American immigrants, particularly Mexicans, in the New York City area.


Woodrow Wilson Center: The Latin American Program of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars seeks spring, summer, and fall interns with an interest in, coursework related to, and/or experience working on Latin American issues.

Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA) – Sally Yudelman Internship Program  Summer internship (late May/early June through August) March 1.
Fall internship (early September through mid-December) July 10.
Spring internship (mid-January through May) November 1.

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), located in New York City, publishes the journal Foreign Affairs and serves as a forum for foreign policymakers. Internships are available in departments such as foreign affairs, communications, and publications in New York and Washington DC.


Inter-American Dialogue (IAD)

For summer: March 30 of each year,


MADRE is a New York-based women’s human, sexual, and economic rights organization that collaborates on projects in Colombia, Guatemala, Haiti, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, and Peru.–internships-163.html

The Rainforest Alliance works to promote ecosystem conservation, sustainable agriculture, and ecotourism in the Amazon Basin. Internships are based in New York City.

The Carter Center in Atlanta seeks interns with a background in Latin American and Caribbean Studies to work with its Americas Program, whose goal is to strengthen inter-American relations.


International Development Exchange (IDEX) is a grant making program in San Francisco that supports organizations working with Guatemalan and Mexican communities on economic development, women’s empowerment, and resource management.


Amazon Watch works closely with indigenous groups in the Amazon Basin to promote indigenous rights, sustainable development, rainforest conservation, and biodiversity. Offices are located in Northern and Southern California and Washington DC.

The Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL) promotes the implementation of international human rights law in the member states of the OAS. It has offices in Washington DC, Brazil, Argentina, and Costa Rica.

Atlas Corps is seeking engaged leaders committed to the nonprofit sector. Twelve to eighteen-month professional fellowships in the U.S. and Latin America are available.

FINCA International is a microfinance organization that sponsors village banking campaigns serving low-income entrepreneurs in Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, and Nicaragua. For more information, contact Amelia Kuklewicz, the regional operations manager for Latin America and the Caribbean.

Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos (NPH) sponsors homes for orphaned, abandoned, and at-risk children. Summer opportunities for teaching English, music, dance, art, and athletics are available in Haiti and the Dominican Republic; volunteers in Guatemala, Honduras, and Mexico make a one year commitment.


Vive Peru is in need of volunteer interns experienced in the areas of Clinical Medicine, Social Work, Teaching Music, Teaching English and Engineering to support our partner organizations and adopted communities in Northern Peru! Work side-by-side with doctors in local clinics and hospitals, volunteer with underprivileged children, share your love for music or languages with the children of Peru.

VE Global is a volunteer program that helps foster the growth of children at social risk in Santiago, Chile by implementing literacy, arts, health, and English programs.

ATRAVES promotes community development, health, and education in Nicaragua and runs an international volunteer program based in local Nicaraguan communities.

The Directorio Legislativo in Argentina supports legislative initiatives that promote the public interest and works to ensure greater transparency and responsibility in the legislative branch of the government. They should be contacted directly for information about internships.

Poder Ciudadano encourages citizens to participate in the political process and promotes government transparency and broader access to public information in Argentina.

Amerispan offers customized placements in business, law, architecture, and other professions in Argentina, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Chile, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, and Peru.