Practicum Opportunity at the School of Public Health University of Western Cape South Africa

in Practicums/Internships
January 26th, 2017


Since 2014, faculty and MPH students have regularly visited the University of Western Cape (UWC) for varying periods. The most frequent visitor has been Prof Richard Laing who works with Dr Hazel Bradley on Pharmaceutical Public Health issues. Two MPH students, Chris Noble in 2015 and Selam Hailu in 2016  did their practicums in the summer at UWC. The Dean, Sandro Gallea and Prof Don Thea visited in late 2015 and Prof Andrew Stokes and Prof David Rosenbloom will be visiting in February 2017.

Practicum Description

During a three month period from May to August the BU MPH student would participate in a range of activities including some or all of the following:

  • Participate and assist in the two short pharmaceutical public health related courses which occur during the 2017 Winter School. These would be on Promoting Rational Medicine Use (3-7 July) and Supply Chain Management (10 to 14 July).
    • This would include matching the hard copy course materials with the soft copy version of the course materials.
    • Facilitate group works in Medicines Supply Chain Management and Rational Medicines Use winter classes.
    • Provide input for the Medicines Supply Management Course, e.g doing simulations in class to help students who have no experience in the work of medicines supply chain  to get a feel of the work on the ground.
    • Manage the evaluation process for the courses
    • Develop a course report for each of the courses
  • Work together with Mr. Wolde Amde and others at UWC on updating the school’s website related to pharmaceutical public health and maybe adding other relevant sections to make it more informative and timely.
  • Work with Mr Wolde Amde on incorporating Pharmaceutical Public Health related materials into the existing social media sites
  • Create a pharmaceutical public health short and long course alumni contact list that could be incorporated in the school’s website
  • Visit health facilities and pharmacies in Cape Town
  • Visit chronic dispensing unit (CDU) if possible to arrange
  • Attend SOPH Public Lectures and regular SOPH Journal Club during practicum
  • Possibly work with UWC students undertaking research related to pharmaceutical public health topics. This might include assisting with proposal development, literature reviews, data collection, data cleaning etc. This activity would depend on the stage at which students are in doing their research work.


Apply to

Dr Hazel Bradley BPharm, MPH, PhD, Senior Lecturer, School of Public Health, University of the Western Cape, South Africa at . Early applications are encouraged as some students may need to apply for visas.

Additional Information

For additional information contact Prof Richard Laing at or Selam Hailu at

See Winter School web site at

Pharmaceutical Public Health at UWC at