GRAP Opportunity – Acceptability and Feasibility of Wisepill among HIV+ ART patients in China (Sabin)

Opportunity ID: 01-Sabin

Project Title: Acceptability and Feasibility of Use of Wisepill among HIV-positive ART patients in China

Faculty Mentor: Lora Sabin

Description Statement:

More about the CATS Study

The China Adherence through Technology Study (CATS) was a randomized controlled trial designed to increase our understanding of interventions that are feasible and effective in helping HIV-positive injection drug users (IDU) maintain a high antiretroviral (ART) adherence. The study assessed: (1) the feasibility and acceptability of real-time feedback; (2) a wireless electronic drug monitoring (EDM) technology approach to promote ART adherence; (3) preliminary effectiveness of real-time feedback on adherence, CD4 count, and HIV viral load; and (4) factors that explain how real-time feedback influenced intervention success or failure.

The study enrolled 120 IDU patients through an ART clinic in Nanning, capital of Guangxi province, a border province with high rates of HIV and IDU. Enrolled patients were randomized to intervention vs. comparison groups for the 6-month intervention. The study followed all patients for an additional 3 months to determine sustainability of intervention impact.

Scope of Work:

The RA will help the CATS team develop a manuscript entitled, “Acceptability and Feasibility of Use of Wisepill among HIV-positive ART patients in China.” The RA will help develop the background/introduction section of the manuscript based on literature review and will help investigators write up the results of the study.

Minimum skills required/desired:

No analysis will be required. Student must have strong writing skills and have familiarity with the structure and tone required for manuscript writing. Previous experience in writing manuscripts is preferred, but not required.

Time / Date Expectations:
5-10 hours/week; flexible; ideal completion in 6-month timeframe

Additional Material Requested:

Scientific writing sample (previous manuscript, if available) that demonstrates lit review and/or write-up of results

Number of Positions: One (1)

Logistics & Support:

RA will meet biweekly with a member of the CATS study to review progress. Model papers will be provided to help guide RA in structuring manuscript.  Student may be included as an author if performance warrants.
If performance satisfactory, additional opportunities may arise