Graduate Research Affiliate Program (GRAP) FAQs

About GRAP
Fall 2018 Opportunities

Have a question? See if it has already been answered.

Why are the same opportunities listed more than once?
Are any of the GRAP positions paid?
Can I submit an application to less than three opportunities?
Can I apply to a position if my availability doesn’t directly align with what the position requires?
Can I only submit my application once?
Can I save my application and edit it later?
What happens after I submit my application?
If I submit an application, am I guaranteed to be placed?
What is the start date for my position?
How long is my GRAP position?
Can I use my GRAP position to meet my practicum or CE requirements?
Does GRAP offer overseas placements?
What happens if my placement doesn’t work out?

Why are the same opportunities listed more than once?

Some opportunities are listed in more than one category since they desire skills that fall into multiple areas and they desire to have more than one student.

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Are any of the GRAP positions paid?

No — GRAP positions are not paid. However, it is possible that your role in a project may evolve over time and lead to a paid opportunity.

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Can I submit an application to less than three opportunities?

Yes – you can submit an application and indicate anywhere from one (1) to three (3) opportunities of interest to you. Apply to the maximum three opportunities if there are three opportunities that interest to you.

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Can I apply to a position if my availability doesn’t directly align with what the position requires?

This is up to your discretion. If it is clear that your available time and flexibility does not align with what a faculty has requested in their opportunity description, it is not advisable to apply. If you think your availability is within reason, you are welcome to apply, indicate your availability, and the faculty will assess if it is reasonable.

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Can I only submit my application once?

The system will allow each person to submit only one application.

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Can I save my application and edit it later?

Yes — at the bottom of the application page there is a link that will allow you to save the application and return to revise it later. The system will provide you a unique URL to return to your application.

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What happens after I submit my application?

After you submit your application, the faculty mentors hosting opportunities will review the applications submitted by students interested in their position and matches will be made based on student and faculty preferences. Students will be matched with a maximum of one opportunity, but placement is not guaranteed.

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If I submit an application, am I guaranteed to be placed?

Our goal is to facilitate mutually beneficial matches between faculty mentors and students. It is possible that some students will not be placed in positions due to both high demand for limited opportunities or to misalignment between student skill-sets/interests and what faculty seek.

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What is the start date for my position?

Students will meet with faculty mentors in December to develop a memorandum of understanding (MOU). It is anticipated that most positions will start January 2017.

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How long is my GRAP position?

The duration of each position is specified in the description. Duration may vary or be based more on a deliverable than a timeline.

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Can I use my GRAP position to meet my practicum or CE requirements?

CEPH Accreditation Criteria states “To be appropriate for applied practice experience activities, university-affiliated settings must be primarily focused on community engagement, typically with external partners.”  It’s possible that positions may satisfy the practicum requirement, but the GRAP program does not grant practicum approval nor replace the standard process you must go through to obtain it. Please review the practicum approval process and speak with that office for more detail.

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Does GRAP offer overseas placements?

Overseas placements are possible, but dependent on the availability of such opportunities.

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What happens if my placement doesn’t work out?

The success of your placement is up to you and your faculty mentor. If either person’s expectations are not met, they may make a professional decision to end the position before completion. It is important to set clear expectations in the beginning of your new role in order to maximize your chance for a successful experience.

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Have an unanswered question? Email Joseph Anzalone at