Market Dynamics and Health Policy
The Collaborative market dynamics and health policy team maintains a global data repository on medicines, policies, programs, and disease burden for HIV/AIDS and malaria in low resource countries.
The data repository has been used to:
- Estimate the impact of global strategies, such as pooled procurement arrangements, third-party price negotiation and differential pricing, on reducing the price of antiretrovirals
- Describe relationships between market dynamics of first-line antiretroviral medicines and World Health Organization treatment guidelines, quality certification of antiretroviral medicines, and pooled procurement policies of international organizations
- Explain the role of Indian generic manufacturers on the provision of antiretrovirals to developing countries
The team collaborates with many organizations to ensure their results inform global and national policy decisions on HIV/AIDS and malaria, including:
- World Health Organization
- United Kingdom Department for International Development
- Medicines for Malaria Venture
- Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria,
- Clinton HIV/AIDS Initiative
Waning B, Diedrichsen E, Moon S. A lifeline to treatment: the role of Indian generic manufacturers in supplying antiretroviral medicines to developing countries. J Int AIDS Soc 2010;13:35.
Waning B, Kaplan W, Fox MP, Boyd-Boffa M, King AC, Lawrence DA, Soucy L, Mahajan S, Leufkens HG, Gokhale M. Temporal trends in generic and brand prices of antiretroviral medicines procured with donor funds in developing countries. Journal of Generic Medicines. 2010;7:159-175.
Waning B, Kaplan W, King AC, Lawrence DA, Leufkins HG, Fox MP. Global strategies to reduce the price of antiretroviral medicines: evidence from transactional databases. Bull World Health Organ. 2009;87:520–528.
Waning B, Kyle M, Diedrichsen E, Soucy L, Hochstadt J, Bärnighausen T, Moon S. Intervening in global markets to improve access to HIV/AIDS treatment: an analysis of international policies and the dynamics of global antiretroviral medicines markets. Globalization and Health. 2010;6:9.
Waning B, Maddix J, Soucy L. Balancing medicine prices and business sustainability: analyses of pharmacy costs, revenues and profit shed light on retail medicine mark-ups in rural Kyrgyzstan. BMC Health Services Research 2010;10:205.
Waning B, Maddix J, Tripodis Y, Laing R, Leufkens HGM, Gokhale M. Towards equitable access to medicines for the rural poor: analyses of insurance claims reveal rural pharmacy initiative triggers price competition in Kyrgyzstan. International Journal for Equity in Health 2009;8:43.