Author: Maisha Savani

From the field – Summer 2018: A Little Consideration for Others

As the weeks pass by in Stonetown- a place I can that has gradually become a second home for me- The more I’ve come to realize how inconsiderate  and judgmental we are as people. We go about our daily lives constantly concerned about our time, our goals, what we have to get done in a […]

How Bangladesh Drastically Cut its Newborn Death Rate

In a new report released by UNICEF this past week, the organization exposed the strikingly high newborn death rates worldwide; however, one country demonstrated remarkable progress over the past 28 years- and that country is Bangladesh. From 1990 till today, Bangladesh managed to slash its newborn death rate by two-thirds, from 64.2 per 1000 live […]

Unsafe abortions in low-income countries

The British medical journal The Lancet just reported that out of the 56 million abortions performed worldwide last year, about 25 million of them posed some threat to the health or the life of the mother. An overwhelming majority of these abortions-97% of them-come from developing countries in Africa, Latin America, and Asia, and typically, […]

Diabetes: Leading Cause of Death in Mexico

The World Health Organization released that as of 2016, diabetes was the leading cause of death in Mexico, being responsible for with 14.7% of Mexico’s deaths and thus seizing over 76,000 lives that year. The percent of the population that died to diabetes has tripled since 1990, and by 2050, scientists predict that half of […]

Nigeria and its Unprecedented Food Crisis

Currently, Nigeria’s northern Borno State- the state that has been the most affected by Nigeria’s insurgency, Boko Haram- is facing an unprecedented food crisis. According to the UN, approximately 420,000 children suffer from severely acute malnutrition- the deadliest form of malnutrition- in the state, and as a result, child mortality rates have reached a devastating […]