Who are we?

The Undergraduate History of Art & Architecture Association is an undergraduate student-run organization.

We are open to anyone, regardless of major or knowledge of art history & architecture. Throughout the year, we organize some great activities, such as museum visits, a trip to New York City, and guest speakers. We hold career advising sessions to help those interested in an art-related career decide what to do and how to do it.

Meet Your 2023-2024 Officers:

Lauren Glogoff, President, Class of 2024
Lauren is a Senior majoring in Art History and minoring in English. Devoted to building a lasting art community on campus, she revived the undergraduate art publication, “Squinch Magazine” in the Spring of 2022 and serves as the publication’s editor-in-chief. She has a passion for art history and a goal of making research her full-time gig. With a strong interest in Appropriation art and Avant-Garde Modern and Contemporary art, she especially works to understand the art’s understructure and its shaping within society. Lauren has been a member of the AHA since her freshman year and is thrilled to act as this year’s President! Her top five favorite artists are René Magritte, Robert Rauschenberg, Barbara Kruger, Carolee Schneemann, and Sturtevant.

Katie Yu, Vice President, Class of 2024
Biyao (Katie) is a Senior majoring in Art History and minoring in Art Leadership. Based in Shanghai, she loves contemporary art topics and Chinese painting. She is committed to becoming a curator. Biyao’s research and interests lie in the idea of self-identity, cultural hybridity and diaspora art under the context of postcolonialism and globalization. She is excited to be the vice-president this year and hopes to expose more members of BU community to the arts through AHA. Her current top five artists are: Ron Mueck, Yinka Shonibare, Ma Yuan(Song Dynasty), Edward Hopper, Issy Wood.


Anisha Khanna, Club Outreach, Class of 2025
Anisha is a junior majoring in sociocultural anthropology and pursuing the pre-med track. She also plans on completing a minor in art history. Growing up in New York City, art of all forms was a part of her upbringing. In addition to her exposure, Anisha has been an artist from a young age. In high school, she further developed a passion for making art and studying art history. She believes that studying art history is a powerful lens for understanding the world we live in and ourselves. Moreover, she is fascinated by the connection between human behavior and art, as well as learning about world history through its art periods. She hopes to share this appreciation with more people, continue to learn, and explore the art of Boston and BU with the Art History Association.

Caitlyn Bains, Secretary
Caitlyn is a sophomore majoring in Art History and minoring in Archeology. Her love of art stemmed from her childhood in Houston, Texas exploring different museums. Caitlyn’s interests lie in provenance and the repatriation of art. She looks forward to being the secretary this year and some of her favorite artists are Guido Reni, Isaac Levitan, and Artemisia Gentileschi.

Alexander Gee, Treasurer, Class of 2026
Alexander is a sophomore majoring in Business Administration, with a concentration in Finance, and a minor in Philosophy. As he is not directly studying art history, he was inclined to join the AHA with the intention of involving himself in the art community at BU. Through prior coursework in photography theory, as well as art history, he found interest in understanding the societal roles artistic media can hold, while also in dialogue with coinciding developments in philosophical and literary thought. Alexander has been a member of the AHA since his freshman year, and as treasurer, he is eager to help maximize the opportunities for this year’s members. He has recently enjoyed works by William Eggleston, Helen Frankenthaler, Etel Adnan, and Jules Bastien-Lepage.





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