Assistant Professor; Chinese Art


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Professor Feng is a historian of Chinese art with specialties in Buddhist art and Dunhuang Caves of the Tang dynasty (618-907). Her current research interests include sacred space and ritual art, theories of vision and meditation, mural painting practices, visual and material cultures of the Silk Road, and representations of the Western Pure Land. She is currently preparing a monograph that explores the impact of an aquatic imaginary on the pictorial programming and immersive architectural schemes of Buddhist cave sites on the Silk Road.
Her research has been supported by the Dunhuang Academy, the Dunhuang Foundation, the Franke Institute for the Humanities, and the Fulbright-IIE Fellowship (2014-2015). Before joining Boston University, Anne worked on Chinese art exhibitions at the Palace Museum, Beijing and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. She was also an Andrew W. Mellon COSI Curatorial Fellow at Art Institute of Chicago (2016-2017).

Curriculum Vitae

Selected Publications

“The Imprisoned Queen: Landscape Representation and Pure Land Art in Tang China.”
Archives of Asian Art, forthcoming, Spring 2021.
Chongdu dunhuang mogaoku 209ku shanshui yu weishengyuan tuxiang

[Rethinking Landscape Imagery and the Ajātaśatru Narrative in Mogao Cave 209].
Sichou zhilu yanjiu jikan 絲綢之路研究集刊 [Journal of Silk Road Studies], 2020, forthcoming.
“Luminescent Visions: Transparency and Transformation in Medieval China.”
Art and Materiality volume by Center for the Art of East Asia and the Smart Museum of Art, University of Chicago, forthcoming.
“Translumined: Rock-Crystal Orbs of the Famen Monastery”
Volume for Chinese Optics: Artful Looking, by CAMLab and Harvard University History of Art and Architecture, forthcoming.
Review of Dorothy C. Wong, Buddhist Pilgrim-Monks as Agents of Cultural and Artistic Transmission:
The International Buddhist Art Style in East Asia, ca. 645-770
(Singapore: National University of Singapore Press, 2018).
CAA reviews, October 25, 2019.
Review of BuYun Chen, Empire of Style: Silk and Fashion in Tang China.
Seattle: Washington University Press, 2019.
Studies in Late Antiquity: A Journal, Summer (2020): 236-239.