Fellows Travel to Bunker Hill Community College

On Monday, February 12, the Fellows traveled to Bunker Hill Community College, a partner of the BU Humphrey Program under the Associate Campus Partnership – an initiative launched by the U.S. Department of State in 2007 with the aim of extending the international perspectives of the Humphrey Program to a broader range of U.S. higher educational institutions and local communities. There, they spoke with Dr. Kathleen O’Neal, the Director of Single Stop USA at BHCC, to learn about how the program has helped shape the Boston community, and discuss ways the Fellows could promote similar activity in their home countries. Single Stop USA is a major initiative at Bunker Hill Community College, which connects students to state and federal financial resources and local community services. The goal is to help students surmount economic barriers, continue with their education, and move towards economic mobility with the ultimate goal toward ending cycles of poverty. One of the notable observations Dr. O’Neal made is the need to reduce the stigma against asking for financial assistance. Through the Single Stop program, she wants to create an environment where asking for help is no longer seen as taboo. 


The Fellows and coordinators then joined Assistant Professor Tendai Nyakurimwa, Associate Professor Wissal Nouchrif and their finance and business students to discuss topics regarding financial literacy, financial inclusion, and entrepreneurship. Fellows gave advice to students who had questions regarding proposed business models, finding the funding for their entrepreneurial goals, and the best methods for investing in the stock market. It was encouraging for the Fellows to hear ideas from the bright young minds that are at work at Bunker Hill Community College.


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