Mr. Zoltan Elek LL.M is a senior AML/CFT (Anti money laundering/countering terrorist financing) legal expert of the EU Coordination and AML/CFT department of the Ministry for Economic Development. He is responsible for drafting legislation in the field of AML/CFT, answering incoming queries in relation to legal provisions in force and participating in the relevant EU working
groups. Prior to this position, he has also worked for the Office of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights and the Ministry of Finance where he was in charge of cross-border crisis management in the Credit Institutions Unit.

During his Humphrey fellowship year at Boston Unicersity, he intends to investigate American AML/CFT legislation in more depth and gain a hands-on experience of the legal and regulatory framework that governs AML compliance. He hopes to get familarized with FinTech, with a special focus on its regulation and understand its challenges and opportunities of FinTech from an AML/CFT perspective. In addition, he also hopes to deepen his knowledge in financial sacntions imposed on listed individuals and entities as a means of countering terrorist financing and promoting democracy and human rights.

Mr. Elek holds a law degree and a Master’s in EU Politics and Administration (College of Europe, Buges, BE) and LL.M in Combatting Corruption, Money Laundering and Cybercrime.