Samira Moussaoui

Samira Moussaoui
Samira Moussaoui

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Ms. Samira Moussaoui, a doctoral student conducting research in EFL writing, is an Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Foreign Languages at Setif University in Algeria. She started her professional career in 2002 and has since taught English phonetics and phonology as well as oral expression skills to EFL undergraduate students.

Samira possesses a Bachelor’s degree in English and a Master’s degree in Educational Psychology and Foreign Language Teaching from Ferhat Abbas University of Setif. Upon completion of her studies, Samira worked as a full-time teacher at a secondary school. Her other pedagogical responsibilities include tutoring new students, supervising dissertations and examining final presentations. From 2008 to 2009 she assisted the head of the department in administrative tasks related to EFL teaching staff, academic coordination and student training programs.

During her Humphrey year, Ms. Moussaoui hopes to find new direction in her educational and professional career. Her goal is to further develop her teaching skills and adopt new and more effective methods of teaching writing to EFL students. She also wants to learn more about the American education system and institute collaboration among American colleagues in the field of EFL teaching.