
Field of Study: Finance & Banking

Mr. Tashi Dorji P currently serves as a Chief Program Officer at the Royal Civil Service Commission (RCSC). He spearheads as the Head of the Civil service Reform Secretariat to directly help the Commission to translate His Majesty’s vision of bringing Civil Service Reform in the entire civil service of Bhutan. During his 16 years of civil service, he has successfully spearheaded the Royal Civil Service Awards, coordinated the nationwide Organization Development Exercise, conducted research in various fields of macroeconomics and assisted the National Service Core Working Group (NSCWG) to institute the National Service in Bhutan. Prior to his current job he worked under the Royal Research and Advisory Council and the NSCWG of His Majesty’s Secretariat.

During the Humphrey Fellowship Program, he hopes to develop his leadership prowess and expertise in the fields of money, markets and financial institutions. Accordingly, he intends to undertake application studies on designing regulatory architecture for financial sector for small states, in particular Bhutan. He also intends to make benchmark visits to different domestic and international financial and banking institutions at the United States to gain insights on the best practices and global finance. Most importantly, he looks forward to joining the community of ‘finance and banking’ and return energized to serve the country and contribute to the development for the next generations.

Mr. Dorji P holds a Master of Public Policy specialization in Economics from the Australian National University.