2019 Junior Faculty Fellows Welcomed at Luncheon

On October 11, 2019, the Hariri Institute for Computing hosted the Junior Faculty Fellows Award Luncheon to celebrate and welcome the ninth cohort of Junior Faculty Fellows. The event was held at the Hotel Commonwealth and was attended by the newest JFFs, former fellows and faculty. The event was hosted by Professor Azer Bestavros, Founding Director of the Hariri Institute for Computing. Professor Bestavros gave some opening remarks stressing the importance of the Junior Faculty Fellows program and its role in the Institute community.
The event then continued with the Department Chairs and Nominators of each of the fellow’s departments sharing thoughts and reflections on the fellow’s accomplishments and areas of research. The fellows then got up to receive their plaques.
Right: James Feigenbaum, Assistant Professor, Economics, CAS
Right: Wen Li, Assistant Professor, Astronomy, CAS
Right: Sanaz Mobasseri, Assistant Professor, Management & Organizations, QST
Middle: Allyson Sgro, Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering, ENG
Right: Gianluca Stringhini, Assistant Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering, ENG
Additional Photos
The Junior Faculty Fellows program is committed to engaging a community of researchers across schools and colleges at BU and to recognize outstanding early-career computational and data-driven researchers. It does so by bringing together a cohort of junior faculty members to partake in intellectual exchanges and integrative activities, and to probe the possibilities of interdisciplinary collaborations.
Wed@Hariri Talk Schedule
Each Junior Faculty Fellow will give a talk on the Wed@Hariri series. Please check the following schedule for each fellow’s talk:
Wednesday, October 30th, 3:00pm–4:30pm
Allyson Sgro, Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering, ENG
Location: BU, Life Sciences & Engineering Bldg, 24 Cummington Mall, LSE Room 103
Wednesday, November 6th, 3:00pm–4:30pm
Joshua Campbell, Assistant Professor, Computational Biomedicine, MED
Location: BU, Hariri Institute, 111 Cummington Mall, Seminar Room, MCS 157
Wednesday, November 13th, 3:00pm–4:30pm
Sanaz Mobasseri, Assistant Professor, Management & Organizations, QST
Location: BU, Questrom Bldg, 595 Commonwealth Ave, HAR Room 206A
Wednesday, November 20th, 3:00pm–4:30pm
Wen Li, Assistant Professor, Astronomy, CAS
Location: BU, Astronomy Bldg, 725 Commonwealth Ave, CAS, Room 502
Wednesday, January 22nd, 3:00pm – 4:30pm
James Feigenbaum, Assistant Professor, Economics, CAS
Location: BU, Economics Bldg, 270 Bay State Rd, SSW Room 315
Wednesday, January 29th, 3:00pm–4:30pm
Gianluca Stringhini, Assistant Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering, ENG
Location: BU, Photonics Bldg, 8 St. Mary’s St, PHO Room 339