Boston University Releases the BU AI Task Force Report

The Boston University Provost Office released the Boston University AI Task Force Report on April 11, 2024. The comprehensive report is the work of a university-wide task force appointed by the Provost Office last fall and led by Yannis Paschalidis, Distinguished Professor of Engineering and Director of the Rafik B. Hariri Institute for Computing and Computational Science & Engineering, and Wesley Wildman, Professor of Philosophy, Theology, and Ethics, School of Theology. The charter of the BU AI Task Force was to assess and make recommendations for the role of Generative AI in education and research at Boston University.

The report contains many important observations, policy proposals, and best practices guidelines, as well as examples for where caution is warranted. A key recommendation is for BU to “critically embrace” the use of this new technology.  Individuals interested in higher education Generative AI models will find on the BU AI Task Force website more than 100 leading resources, a semantic graph, and topic models.

Chief among the BU AI Task Force’s goals was to research current practices in place across the University and at other major research institutions and develop proposals that best position BU to amplify learning and research outcomes through the use of Generative AI, while helping to prevent its misuse or negative impact.

“As AI continues to rapidly revolutionize and, in many ways, redefine the way we work and learn as a society, it is imperative that we innovate in education and research sooner rather than later,” says Kenneth Lutchen, University Provost and Chief Academic Officer ad interim. “As a premier global research institution, educational innovator, and launching pad for future scholars and professionals, Boston University should lead the way in equipping our students with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in the future workforce.”

Read the BU Provost announcement here and access the website of the BU AI Task Force here.