Graduate Student Fellows Program

The Hariri Institute for Computing’s Graduate Student Fellows program recognizes outstanding PhD students who are pursuing computing and data-driven research at Boston University. Continuing PhD students, in the 1st or 2nd year of their program, are eligible to be nominated for this honor (awarded, in turn, at the start of their 2nd or 3rd year, respectively).

Since 2017, the Institute has awarded 55 Graduate Student Fellows.

Benefits for Graduate Student Fellow Participation

  • $5,000 Academic Enhancement Award to support and promote the student’s research experience at Boston University
  • Collaborate with other Graduate Student Fellow cohorts to organize and support Institute-sponsored events (e.g., seminars, panels, etc.)
  • Engage with the Institute’s substantial network of academic, government, and industry partners around computing and data-driven research 

The Hariri Institute for Computing is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion, and encourages nominations for diverse candidates such as those from historically underrepresented groups.

Each Boston University Department and program can nominate one student. Each department’s nomination must be submitted by the Department Chair and/or the Department Graduate Program Director. We ask that you keep your nominations confidential, and do not inform candidates of their nomination. Nominations are due by 3/6/25


For administrative questions, please contact Katherine D’Angelo, Assistant Director, Programs and Events, at