Claudio Rebbi

Professor, Physics, CAS

B.S in Physics, University of Turin
Ph.D. in Nuclear Physics, University of Turin
PRB, Room 551

Professor Claudio Rebbi is a Professor of Physics in the College of Arts and Sciences and was a member of the Hariri Steering Committee from 2011-2012. His research spans a range of topics in computational and high energy physics. These include applications of simulation techniques to field theoriy and particle theory, quantum lattice gauge theories, calculations of non-perturbative properties of Quantum Chromodynamics, lattice investigations of strong coupling models of electroweak symmetry breaking and other “beyond the standard model” theories, renormalization group methods for quantum field theories and spin systems, semiclassical methods for quantum field theory, algorithm development, inclusion of fermionic degrees of freedom in computer simulations, and multigrid methods.


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