Jacob Bor

Associate Professor, Global Health & Epidemiology, School of Public Health

D.S., Harvard School of Public Health
S.M., Harvard School of Public Health
B.A., Harvard College
(617) 414-1260

Jacob Bor is an Associate Professor of Global Health & Epidemiology at the School of Public Health. He was selected as an Institute Junior Faculty Fellow in fall 2016. He is an assistant professor in the Departments of Global Health and Epidemiology at the Boston University School of Public Health. His research applies the analytical tools of economics and data science to the study of population health. Research interests include the economic spillover effects of HIV treatment scale-up in southern Africa, population health impacts of policy interventions, and chronic disease management in low-resource settings. Current work involves a novel record linkage of South Africa’s national laboratory database, creating a national patient cohort in collaboration with BU and South African colleagues. He is a recipient of BU’s Peter T. Paul Career Development Professorship and a graduate of Harvard School of Public Health.

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