Janusz Konrad

Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
AIR Affiliate

PhD, McGill University

Janusz Konrad is a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Boston University and an AIR Affiliate of Hariri Institute. He received a PhD degree from McGill University, Montreal, Canada and a M.Eng. degree from the Technical University of Szczecin, Poland. At Boston University, he is a member of the Information and Data Sciences (IDS) group where he leads the Visual Information Processing (VIP) laboratory. He is an affiliate of the Center for Information and Systems Engineering (CISE).

Janusz’ research interests include: computer vision, visual sensor networks, cybersecurity, stereoscopic and 3D imaging, image and video processing, and multidimensional digital signal processing.

He has been actively involved in the IEEE Signal Processing Society. He is currently a Senior Area Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, and recently served as a Distinguished Lecturer and as Member-at-Large of its Conference Board. He is also an Area Editor of the EURASIP Signal Processing: Image Communications journal. Previously, he was an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, IEEE Communications Magazine, IEEE Signal Processing Letters and EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing. He was the General Chair of AVSS-2013, Tutorials Co-Chair of ICIP-2015 and ICASSP-2004, and Technical Program Co-Chair of ICIP-2000 and AVSS-2010. He is a co-recipient of the 2001 Signal Processing Magazine Award and 2004­/05 EURASIP Image Communications Best Paper Award as well as a co-author of the AVSS-2010 Best Paper and co-winner of the 2010 ICPR Aerial View Activity Classification Challenge.

Janusz has also been a consultant for a number of law firms, and has collaborated with Imax Corp., EMC Corp., Digital Equipment Corp .

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