Luis Carvalho

Director, MSSP
Assistant Professor, Mathematics & Statistics, College of Arts & Sciences

Ph.D., Brown University
M.Sc., Federal University of Ceara
M.Sc., Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
B.S., Federal University of Ceara
111 Cummington St, MSC 221

Luis Carvalho joined BU’s Department of Mathematics & Statistics after receiving his PhD from Brown University in 2008. He began his education in civil engineering, with a focus on transportation engineering. As he learned more about operations research, he became more interested in the theory, leading to his work in statistical applications. His work has found applications in diverse areas, including unsupervised land cover classification from satellite images, assessing interaction among genes in genome-wide association studies, and identifying communities in social networks. Professor Carvalho specializes in Bayesian statistics, computational biology, and statistical inference. He was an Institute Junior Faculty Fellow from 2012 to 2015. In 2021, the Hariri Institute awarded Carvalho support for his project in collaboration with NASA JPL, “Land Cover Data Science Framework”.

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