V. Scott Solberg

Professor, Counseling Psychology and Applied Human Development, Wheelock College of Education & Human Development

Ph.D., Counseling Psychology, University of California Santa Barbara
MA, University of California Santa Barbara;
BA, University of California Santa Barbara
AA, West Valley Junior College
621 Comm Ave, 310

V. Scott Solberg is Professor at the Boston University Wheelock College of Education and Human Development. Dr. Solberg is working internationally and nationally on the design, implementation, and evaluation of effective career development programs and services for especially high-need youth populations, including youth with disabilities. His most recent book is “Making School Relevant with Individualized Learning Plans: Helping Students Create Their Own Career and Life Goals.” Soldberg’s research interests include using AI with Natural Language text to validate a measure of career readiness,
designing, implementing and evaluating career readiness implementation policies and programs to support high need, high opportunity youth, and connecting social emotional learning skills and career readiness.

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