Artificial Intelligence

From self-driving cars and facial recognition software to the algorithms driving everyday online commerce, artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the vast network of computer programs that are capable of learning to make decisions, reason about data, and communicate with humans. Hariri Institute researchers are driving advancements in AI to solve pressing societal problems, bringing together expertise in computer vision, natural language processing, machine learning, robotics, and human-computer interaction.

Related Initiatives

Artificial Intelligence Research (AIR) Initiative: A cross-disciplinary research initiative that brings together researchers whose work aims to create intelligent systems that reliably make decisions, reason about data, and communicate with humans. The primary research focus is on new computational models aimed at general artificial intelligence, i.e., agents that exhibit the skills and learning capacity close to human ability. 

AI and Education Initiative: A cross-disciplinary research initiative facilitating innovation by integrating AI and its social contexts and implications in education. The primary research focus is on new AI-driven innovations that transform the systems that impact equitable learning, education, and human development while providing education-inspired research results that impact foundational AI.