Privacy & Security

Cybersecurity has been called the biggest threat to the world economy. The Hariri Institute brings together faculty and graduate students from diverse fields to find innovative solutions to address problems related to privacy and security.

Related Initiatives

Center for Reliable Information Systems and Cyber Security (RISCS): Promotes and coordinates research and education in system reliability and information security by emphasizing a multidisciplinary approach that includes fields as diverse as reliable and secure computations, engineering, economics, ethics, and law. RISCS spearheads the Cyber Security, Law, and Society Alliance (Cyber Alliance) — a collaboration between computer science, law, business, and social science researchers to position BU as a leader in the burgeoning global discussion on cybersecurity.

Cyber Alliance: A collaboration between computer science, law, business, and social science researchers to position BU as a leader in the burgeoning global discussion on cybersecurity. The Cyber Alliance aims to leverage BU’s disciplinary breadth to create opportunities for cross-disciplinary debate, research, and activities in pursuit of this goal.