Jewish Learning Fellowship

Photos             One-on-One Learning         Contact and FAQ’s   

Spring 2025 class applications are now OPEN!! Apply HERE!

Full Semester 10 Session Courses: $300 Stipend

1.Public Speaking: From Moses, King David, Esther, and Ruth, to Churchill, MLK, Golda Meir, and Michelle Obama: Skills in Public Speaking and Effective Leadership
Tuesdays, 4:00 – 5:30 pm (February 11 – April 29, 10 sessions)
Led by Rabbi Jevin and Ethan

2. Holistic Wellness through Ancient Wisdom: Jewish Traditions for Holistic Health and Well-Being 
Tuesday, 5:00-6:30 pm (February 11 – April 29)  
Led by Yanai and Ellie

3. The Vine & The Divine: Wine Tasting and the Jewish Tradition – (No Stipend, 21+)
Wednesday, 4:00-5:30 pm (February 12 – April 30)
Led by Rabbi Jevin and Maya

4. Life’s Big Questions: Navigating Faith, Purpose, and the Challenges of Being Human 
Wednesday, 5:00-6:30 pm (February 12 – April 30)
Led by Rav Micha and Zach 

6. Sex, Love and Romance: Unpacking Identity, Intimacy, and Jewish Wisdom 
Wednesday, 5:00-6:30 pm (February 12 – April 30)
Led by Dana and Samantha

5. A Priest and a Rabbi: Conversations on Faith, God, Holy Land, Life, and Death 
Thursday, 4:00 – 5:30 (February 20 – May 1)
Led by Father Kevin, Rabbi Jevin and Samantha

6. Judaism 101: The 10 Most Important Lessons of Jewish Ritual, Calendar, and Text 
Thursday, 5:00-6:30 pm (February 13 – May 1)
Led by Rav Micha and Julia 

7. Orthodox Perspective on Life’s Great Questions: Timeless wisdom on relationships, identity, and finding meaning in a modern world 
Sunday 8-930PM (Jan 26- April 27)
Led by Rabbi Yitzi

8. Hebrew Conversation and Israeli Culture: Half-Semester Learning Group

Monday, 4:00-5:30pm (February 24 – April 28, 6 sessions)

Led by Rav Micha and Daniel

    The Jewish Learning Fellowship (JLF) classes offer a safe space to make friends, build community, and explore what being Jewish means to you and your peers. This all happens through the lens of meaningful Jewish text learning with delicious meals and stipends for your time.

    View Photos from Our Classes

    “Prior to JLF and the Israel class I had really fallen out of touch with all parts of what I thought it meant to be Jewish. JLF gave me an opportunity to reconnect with that aspect of my identity, without any pressure to fulfill certain expectations or check any boxes.” – Noah Riley, ’22

    Jewish learning is a cornerstone of any Jewish community, and BU Hillel staff offer creative, fun, and meaningful cohort opportunities open to the entire campus. In addition, they are available for one-on-one learning and individual pastoral care. Feel free to contact any of them to set up a time to meet. They are happy to learn with students from beginner level to expert on any Jewish subject. All questions are welcome and everyone is invited.



    Here is a sampling of sermons from our rabbinic staff.

    One-on-One Learning

    In our tight-knit community, we have a unique opportunity to learn one-on-one with Rav Micha, our Campus Rabbi, or another member of the rabbinic staff. They offer their time to students wherever they may be on their Jewish journey as they explore how Jewish identity is relevant in their lives. They are happy to learn with students from beginner level to expert on any Jewish subject. All questions are welcome and everyone is invited. Please contact Rav Micha (info below).

    Contact and FAQ’s:

    Can I invite friends to join?

    Absolutely! You can totally share the application with friends or put them in touch with Rav Micha.

    Are there JLF cohorts offered in other semesters?

    Yes! There are several JLF cohort classes offered each semester – Fall and Spring on a huge variety of topics (cooking, LGBTQ+, Jewish values on college campus, professional skills, social justice, and many many more). You can apply for multiple classes any semester you wish.

    What do I have to pay?

    JLF is absolutely free! In fact, we pay YOU a generous stipend.

    Can I get BU credit?

    Yes, the Life’s Big Questions JLF class can earn BU HUB Cocurricular Unit (Individual in Community). This is HUGE!

    What’s the application like?

    The application takes 5 minutes tops. It’s easy and fast to pick the classes that interest you.

    Do I have to be religious?

    Nope! JLF is for anyone and everyone regardless of how “Jewish” you are.

    Staff Contacts

    Rav Micha Stettin, L.Ac L.OM, is thrilled to join Boston University as the Rabbi, Senior Jewish Educator, and University Chaplain. After a decade in Israel, living first in Jerusalem and then in Jaffa, Rabbi Micha brings a wealth of experience as a community Rabbi and health practitioner. He spent his time in Israel building a home with his wife, practicing martial arts, and providing community leadership and healthcare. Rabbi Micha received his Rabbinical Ordination from Simchat Shlomo in Jerusalem and earned his licensure in Traditional Chinese Medicine from Tel Aviv University’s campus for complementary medicine. Email Micha at