Gender-Neutral Housing FAQs

  • What is gender-neutral housing?
    Gender-neutral housing assignments refer to a housing option in which two or more students mutually agree to live in a mixed-gender multiple-occupancy bedroom, suite, or apartment.
  • Why is Boston University offering gender-neutral housing?
    Gender-neutral housing provides students with increased choice in selecting roommates. It gives students additional responsibility for their own room assignments and choice of roommate(s). This policy will contribute to a campus climate that is supportive of all students.
  • Who is eligible for gender-neutral housing?
    Continuing students are eligible to participate in gender-neutral housing through room selection, room changes, and direct swap processes. Only students who choose to live in gender-neutral assignments will be assigned to these spaces. BU Housing works with transgender and non-binary students, including freshmen, on an individual basis to find suitable accommodations.
  • Which residences will be available for gender-neutral housing?
    All residences are eligible for gender-neutral housing with the exception of Claflin, Rich and Sleeper Halls; the Warren Towers complex; and The Towers. Suites and rooms within Living-Learning Communities and Specialty Communities are not eligible to be gender-neutral.
  • How can a room be changed to become a gender-neutral room?
    Rooms can become gender-neutral rooms through the posted direct swap and room change processes.
  • Is gender-neutral housing only for students who are members of the LGBTQ community?
    No. Gender-neutral housing is an option for any continuing student wishing to choose their roommate(s) regardless of gender, and live in rooms, suites and apartments without a gender designation.
  • Can students be randomly assigned to a roommate of the opposite gender?
    No. No student will be required to live in a gender-neutral room, suite, or apartment without their consent.
  • What if a student no longer wants to live in gender-neutral housing?
    Students who no longer wish to live in gender-neutral housing can participate in the pull-in, direct-swap and room-change processes during the posted times. Changing rooms may result in a price change and/or enrollment in a dining plan. Students are responsible for the payment of the higher rate for the new accommodation as stated in the Residence License Agreement and detailed in the academic year residence and dining plan rate schedule. All room change requests are subject to availability of space.
  • What if a vacancy occurs in a gender-neutral room?
    BU Housing needs to maximize use of all available spaces on campus. If a vacancy occurs in a gender-neutral assignment, remaining residents will have one week ( 7 calendar days) from the time the vacancy occurs to identify an eligible replacement roommate. If the residents and BU Housing are unable to find a replacement, the space will revert to a single-gender room. This may involve an administrative reassignment of some or all students to other spaces within the system. Reassigning rooms may result in a price change and/or enrollment in a dining plan. Students are responsible for the payment of the higher rate for the new accommodation as stated in the Residence License Agreement and detailed in the academic year residence and dining plan rate schedule.
  • Will parents be notified if their student chooses gender-neutral housing?
    BU Housing does not generally communicate directly with families about students’ housing; therefore, it is expected and encouraged that students will communicate with their families if they are selecting into a gender-neutral assignment.
  • How will gender-neutral housing be managed during room selection?
    For more information on Roommate Choice: Gender-Neutral Housing and Room Selection – Click Here.