Group Supplemental Life Insurance Plan

Group Supplemental Life Insurance Plan

If you are classified by the University as a regular employee, work a full-time schedule, and have an appointment of nine months’ or more duration, you and your eligible family members are eligible to participate in the Group Supplemental Life Insurance Plan on your first day of active employment. Employees whose percentage time worked decreases below the eligibility requirements for the Group Supplemental Life Insurance Plan as of January 1, 2015, will no longer be able to participate in the benefit plan.

Spouse’s Eligibility

Your opposite-sex or same-sex spouse must not be hospitalized, confined at home under the care of a doctor, receiving disability benefits, or unable to perform the normal daily activities of a person of the same age and sex.

Dependents’ Eligibility

Your child(ren) must be at least 15 days old and less than 19 years old. To be considered eligible, dependents must be unmarried.


A Member may not be insured as both a Member and a Dependent. A Child may not be insured by more than one Member.