Enrolling Your Dependents

You may enroll your spouse and/or your child(ren) for supplemental life insurance coverage only if you enroll in supplemental coverage for yourself.

Enrolling Your Spouse

Coverage is available for your spouse from $10,000 to $100,000 (not to exceed three times your base salary rounded up to the next higher multiple of $10,000). You should enroll through Employee Self Service at BUworks Central within 31 days of your benefits orientation, you may enroll your spouse for an amount up to $20,000 without providing evidence of insurability. In order for a Dependent (spouse or child) to be eligible for coverage, they cannot be hospital or home confined, and able to carry out their normal Activities of Daily Living.

The eligibility date for your spouse is your eligibility date, or the date of your marriage if later than your eligibility date. If you do not elect supplemental life insurance coverage for your spouse within 31 days after your spouse’s eligibility date or you enroll for coverage that exceeds $20,000, the insurance company will require you to provide a Medical History Statement. Any insurance for which this statement is required will not become effective until the insurance company approves the Medical History Statement.

Enrolling Your Child(ren)

Coverage is available for each child for either $5,000 or $10,000. You may enroll your dependent child(ren) as long as you are enrolled in supplemental life insurance for yourself. In order for a Dependent (spouse or child) to be eligible for coverage, they cannot be hospital or home confined, and able to carry out their normal Activities of Daily Living. The effective date for your child is the date on which you enroll your child.

You should enroll for dependent child coverage through Employee Self Service at BUworks Central.

This enrollment authorizes the University to deduct the cost of the Group Supplemental Life Insurance coverage that you desire from your paychecks.

The employee is automatically the beneficiary of spouse or dependent life insurance.