Types of Benefits

There are two types of personal and family accident insurance coverage:

Accidental Death Benefits

The plan will pay the full coverage amount to your beneficiary if you die as a direct result of an accident. If a covered member of your family dies as the direct result of an accident, you will receive the coverage amount applicable to that dependent.

If you or any of your covered family members die as the result of a covered accident that occurs while you are either riding as a passenger or driving a private passenger car while wearing a seat belt, the plan will pay a benefit equal to 10% of your coverage amount or $25,000 (whichever is less). This benefit will be paid in addition to any other accidental death benefits.

Unless you designate otherwise, the beneficiary for the Personal and Family Accident Plan will be the same as the one you designate for the Basic Life Insurance Plan. Beneficiary designations may be changed at any time by completing a new form.

If you elect family coverage and you die as a result of an accident, the following special provisions apply:

  • Extensions of Family Coverage. Coverage for your surviving family members will continue, at no cost to them, for 90 days from the date of your last premium payment.
  • Education Benefit. The plan will pay, in addition to all other benefits, 2% of your coverage amount on behalf of any dependent child who at the time of your accident was enrolled as a full-time student in a college or university. The education benefit will also be paid to a dependent child who at the time of your accident is in the 12th grade, if he/she enrolls as a full-time student in a college or university within 365 days of the accident. The education benefit is paid annually, for a maximum of four consecutive payments, as long as the dependent child remains in college. If you have no dependent children who qualify for the education benefit, the plan will pay an additional benefit of 2% of the full coverage amount to your beneficiary.
  • Day Care Benefit. The plan will pay, in addition to all other benefits, the lesser of $3,000 or 3% of your or your spouse’s coverage amount on behalf of each insured dependent child under age 7 who at the time of your accident was attending a day care center or would be attending a day care center within one year. The day care benefit is paid annually, for a maximum of four consecutive payments, as long as the dependent child remains enrolled in a day care center and is under age 7. If you have no dependent children who qualify for the day care center benefit, the plan will pay an additional benefit of 3% of the full coverage amount up to $3,000 to your beneficiary. If you have coverage for yourself and your family, and both you and your spouse die within 365 days as a result of the same accident or separate accidents within 24 hours of each other, the amount payable for loss of the life of your spouse will be increased to the same amount payable for your death. The accidental death benefit is normally paid in a lump sum of cash. However, you or your beneficiary may choose to have all or part of your benefit from the plan paid in a fixed number of monthly installments, rather than in a lump sum.

Accidental Dismemberment Benefits

If you or a covered member of your family should become seriously injured in an accident, the Personal and Family Accident Insurance Plan will pay to the injured person:

  • 100% of the coverage amount for the loss of both feet, both hands, the sight of both eyes, both speech and hearing, or any combination of two of the following: a hand, a foot, or the sight of one eye
  • 50% of the coverage amount for the loss of one foot, one hand, sight of one eye, speech, or hearing
  • 25% of the coverage amount for the loss of a thumb and an index finger on the same hand

Loss means complete and irrecoverable loss. The plan will pay for the above losses only if they occur within one year after the date of the accident and as a direct result of that accident.

Accidental dismemberment benefits will be paid in a lump sum of cash.

Loss of Use Benefit

The Personal and Family Accident Insurance Plan will pay you a loss of use benefit if you are determined to be paralyzed within 365 days of an accident. Benefits will be paid according to the following schedule:

Loss of Use

Percent of Full Coverage Amount

Quadriplegia (total paralysis of both upper and lower limbs) 100%
Paraplegia (total paralysis of both lower limbs) 75%
Paralysis means complete and irreversible loss of use of a limb.