How the Plan Works

The Travel Accident Insurance Plan protects you while traveling on authorized University business. In general, your destination must be away from the campus or away from your place of employment, if it is off campus.

You are covered:

  • The minute you leave your home, place of employment, or other location, whichever occurs last, for travel on authorized University business
  • When traveling between the Medical and Charles River campuses, if such travel is on authorized University business

You are not covered:

  • For regular commuting to and from work
  • For travel between points on campus (except as described above), including the athletic fields

Your coverage ends when you return to your home, place of employment, or other location, whichever occurs first.

How to Obtain Benefits

To claim benefits under the Travel Accident Insurance Plan, you or your beneficiary should contact Human Resources as soon as possible after the loss. Human Resources will provide assistance in completing the claim forms and will forward them to the insurance carrier.

To process an accidental dismemberment or disability benefit claim, the insurance company may require you to be examined by a physician, at no expense to you.

Appealing a Denied Claim

The insurance company is responsible for determining whether you have suffered a covered loss under circumstances that entitle you or your beneficiary to receive benefits under the plan. If the insurance company denies your claim for benefits, consult Human Resources for information on how to appeal the denial.

Additional information about appealing a denial of benefits is included in the Administrative Information section of this site.