MA PFML Time Tracking

Staff and their managers should refer to the below grid to explain time tracking expectations related to Paid Family and Medical Leave absences. Your PFML benefit will be paid by Human Resources via direct deposit on your regular payroll schedule.

Employee Type Leave Type What to enter on timesheet What to enter in time off request system What to enter on Matrix Absence Radar
Hourly (Non-exempt) Continuous Absence Code 2017 – “Unpaid Time Off”* N/A N/A
Intermittent Absence Code 2017 – “Unpaid Time Off”* N/A Report your intermittent absences to Matrix. Your PFML benefit is calculated based off this.
Salaried (Exempt) Continuous N/A Not required. N/A
Intermittent N/A Not required. Report your intermittent absences to Matrix. Your PFML benefit is calculated based off this.

*For absences taken prior to receiving approval from Matrix, you should enter available accrued time. Adjustments will be made by HR to credit back this time following an approved leave by Matrix.